I have a lucky bamboo on my desk in my office that was given to me in April 2007 for Administrative Professional's Day and it's considerably larger than the one in the photo. I have a question: If my bamboo's so damn lucky, why am I still here at this crappy job?
Oh, yeah...it's lucky cuz I *DO* have a job. It's all about perspective, I suppose.
I could be one of those people in Chicago at the Republic Windows & Doors plant who were all sacked after 72 hours of the business failing. I think that's so awesome they staged a sit-in and I respect the hell out of them for "standing up" for their rights and for all the hard work they did for the company. To think they stood guard over all the product they had stored in the warehouse. Balls-o-steel, I tell ya. Now that Bank of America & JP Morgan Chase helped them out with the necessary funds for their outstanding wages and benefits, their lives can go back to "normal," while others in other companies are still out of jobs.
Republic must have some ginormous lucky bamboo tree out in their parking lot.